Programming Android 1.5 application with Scala.

Sorry for my poor English, but I think this maybe useful for those people who want program Android 1.5 application with Scala.

Thanks for cris's work, I finally found out how to build Android 1.5 applications with Scala 2.7.5.

Here is how to do it.

  1. First, you will need install ProGuard, and here is the android_rules.xml ANT build XML I modified.
  2. Copy it and overwritten the original android_rules.xml under ${ANDROID_SDK}/platforms/android-1.5/templates/ directory.
  3. This build file should work both on pure-Java source code and Scala source code mixed with Java source code, if your android application is written by Java,  just run ant debug/reinstall/release as usual.
  4. If your android application is written in Scala, then you need create an tools directory and copy both scala-compiler.jar and scala-library.jar into it like Step 3 in chris blogs.
  5. Now, run ant reinstall to test and enjoy your Scala-powered Android application.
