Install GNOME3 on Gentoo Linux.

GNOME3 is released, and it looks awesome. I hope I could use it as my day-to-day desktop environment on my favorite Gentoo Linux box.

After some trail and error, the following step seems enough let you install GNOME 3 on a X86 Gentoo box.

# Add gnome overylay to system
$ layman --add gnome

# Update original portage
$ emerge --sync 

# Need for enable introspection USE flag (Which is required to install gnome 3)
$ echo -introspection > /etc/portage/profile/use.mask 

# Umask GDM 3.0
$ echo ">=gnome-base/gdm-3.0.0" >> /etc/portage/package.unmask

# Unmask metacity
$ echo ">=x11-wm/metacity-2.34.0" >> /etc/portage/package.unmask 

# Update all package you installed
$ USE="introspection" emerge --update --newuse --deep world

# Install GNOME 3!! 
$ emerge gnome 

I still have 50 packages to compile in order to complete the emerge gnome command, but it look promising currently. Hope this would help you if you are also trying to install GNOME 3 on Gentoo.
