2011-06-16 22:21 墳墓 (Brian Hsu)
GTD (Getting Things Done) is an action management system proposed by David Allen, it works well for me. The only problem is that I could not found any GTD software that I feel handy. ThinkingRock is quite good, but it has some strange problem when I run it under Linux/GNOME3.
So I've wrote this one -- MaidroidGTD. It's written in Scala Programming Language and use SWT library to build the interface.
It's still in pre-alpha state, the performance is not good, bug and crash are exepcted, but it works for me.
Screen Shot:
- A cute maid that help you.
- Only have very basic function.
- Follow GTD process strictly, everything must put into Inbox before process, you could only process Inbox from top to bottom.
- Receive mails from POP3 mail server and put them into Inbox.
- Free software (License under GPLv2)
- MS Windows
- Double click on the downloaded JAR file.
- Linux
- Double click on the downloaded JAR file.
- If double click is not working, run
java -jar [DownloadedJAR]
in terminal.
Source Code: