前兩天我在學姐機上安裝了 GNOME 3,或許是電波正好對上了的關係,感覺用起來超級直覺好用,甚至比 Mac OS X 給我的感覺還 …
2011-04-17 17:41 墳墓 (Brian Hsu)
2011-04-17 17:12 墳墓 (Brian Hsu)
As previously said, I've installed GNOME 3 on my Gentoo Linux notebook. It works well and I do really love new user experience of GNOME 3.
But unfortunately, seems the GNOME guys don't like the good old applet-like notification area status icon. They believe that status icons are evil and …
2011-04-16 00:00 墳墓 (Brian Hsu)
- 問 在 GNOME3 裡面,有辦法讓 Notification Area 一直顯示嗎?要把滑鼠移到下面才看得到有點討厭。=_= http://plurk.com/p/bpidlj #
- 分享 [部落格文章] http://ppt.cc/luOJ (Install …
2011-04-15 21:22 墳墓 (Brian Hsu)
GNOME3 is released, and it looks awesome. I hope I could use it as my day-to-day desktop environment on my favorite Gentoo Linux box.
After some trail and error, the following step seems enough let you install GNOME 3 on a X86 Gentoo box.
# Add gnome overylay to system $ layman …
2011-04-14 19:03 墳墓 (Brian Hsu)