2009-09-13 15:05 墳墓 (Brian Hsu)
2009-09-12 09:17 墳墓 (Brian Hsu)
Sorry for my poor English, but I think this maybe useful for those people who want program Android 1.5 application with Scala.
Thanks for cris's work, I finally found out how to build Android 1.5 applications with Scala 2.7.5.
Here is how to do it.
- First …
2009-05-31 11:11 墳墓 (Brian Hsu)
2008-09-30 19:36 墳墓 (Brian Hsu)
話說在 Haskell 的官方網站以及教學文件中,都提到了 Haskell 的好處之一是能寫出 Bug 比較少、比較短、比較清楚的程式。
在 Real World Haskell 中也 …
2008-09-30 19:28 墳墓 (Brian Hsu)