[Dog Food] MaidroidGTD Desktop -- GTD Software for Linux / Windows.

GTD (Getting Things Done) is an action management system proposed by David Allen, it works well for me. The only problem is that I could not found any GTD software that I feel handy. ThinkingRock is quite good, but it has some strange problem when I run it under Linux …

[GNOME3] 在工具列顯示邪惡的 Notification Status Icon.

前兩天我在學姐機上安裝了 GNOME 3,或許是電波正好對上了的關係,感覺用起來超級直覺好用,甚至比 Mac OS X 給我的感覺還 …

Install GNOME3 on Gentoo Linux.

GNOME3 is released, and it looks awesome. I hope I could use it as my day-to-day desktop environment on my favorite Gentoo Linux box.

After some trail and error, the following step seems enough let you install GNOME 3 on a X86 Gentoo box.

# Add gnome overylay to system
$ layman …

ScalaQuery 筆記(二)


在 ScalaQuery 中,所有的資料庫操作都必須通過 Session(也就是一種 JDBC Connection 物件的 Wrapper),這個 Session 可以由 Database 物件取得。

建立其取得 Session …

[Scala] ScalaQuery 筆記(一)

什麼是 ScalaQuery?

ScalaQuery 是一套 Scala 的資料庫 API / DSL 函式庫(也算是某種程度上的 ORM),透過 ScalaQuery 配合上適當的 JDBC Driver,你可以輕鬆地使用 Scala 內建 …